Learn How A Laguna Hills Chiropractic Office Helps Relieve Whiplash

By Selena Chery

Whiplash is a common injury to the neck affecting the condition of muscles, nerves and the cervical spine. The sudden whip of the head and neck in an accident can cause damages to the muscles and the upper spinal column. The musculoskeletal disruptions that form with such injuries must be assessed with the assistance of a Laguna Hills chiropractor for effective solutions to prevent health complications.

Many who have sustained a whiplash injury experience symptoms days to months after the accident. The force responsible for damages can occur with car collisions as the body remains restrained upon impact and the head and neck thrown forward. Accidents require immediate attention to identify the trauma that has been sustained by the musculoskeletal system and the application of corrective therapy.

When the upper cervical joints of the spine become misaligned, it requires improvement through adjustment techniques. The incorrect joint alignment can compress nervous tissue and compromise healthy system operation including neck pain and stiff sensations. The adjustments include slight thrusts to the vertebrae to move it back into its position and alleviate the pressure placed on the nerves.

Strained and torn neck muscles can result from severe whiplash injuries. The completion of exercises through gentle rotations can reduce restrictions and allow proper circulatory processes in the damaged areas. A chiropractor aims to promote muscle function without tension to protect against scar tissue formation.

Daily activities are determined to minimize further strain. Stress on the injured tissues and joints can limit the recovery process and requires relief to prevent further dysfunction. Tailored solutions and effective therapy are dependent on the nature of symptoms and structures that have been injured.

Chiropractic is gentle and kind to the body working with physical systems to promote long term wellness. Whiplash is a common injury that can cause severe dysfunction, but with the right care, can be recovered with ease. To prevent the worsening of nerve, tissue and joint function it is important to consult with an experienced chiropractor.

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