How To Get Rid of Cellulite

No matter how many creams or serums you see advertised, none has been proven to repair or eliminate cellulite. There is no easy answer or pill for getting rid of the bumps and clumps that seem to gather on a woman’s thighs and rear as she gets older. Follow these simple steps and you will be able to get rid of cellulite without succumbing to unfulfilled marketing promises.

  1. Know what cellulite is. There are many arguments about what cellulite is. The companies trying to sell you the newest cream, pill or serum may tell you that cellulite is toxins. If you eliminate them, the cellulite will just disappear. The thing is – they are wrong. There is no magic pill, no cream that will smooth out your skin. Cellulite is fat and rubbing it won’t make it go away.
  2. Drink water to stay hydrated. Hydration will not reduce cellulite but it does make your body run better. Water helps rid your body of toxins and aids the digestion process. Hydration also helps your skin maintain elasticity. Helping your body run more efficiently will help you with the remaining steps of the process.
  3. Exercise. A toned body has less fat and a smoother appearance. Building muscle tone won’t rid your body of cellulite. Again, cellulite is fat and all bodies have fat. What toning does is help the appearance of your muscles underneath your skin.
  4. Lose weight gradually. Rapid weight loss can cause skin to sag and bunch in places which increases the look of cellulite dips and bunches. Losing weight and toning your body will help reduce the appearance of cellulite but only if it is done gradually. When we gain weight, our skin stretches and if we gain too quickly, we get stretch marks. Skin needs time to adjust to the surface underneath. The same is true when we lose weight. Gradual weight loss is also better for your total overall health. Have a weight loss and muscle toning plan that firms you as you lose pounds and inches.
Cellulite is a common complaint among women. While you cannot totally remove the fat from your body, you can help it look better and appear smoother. Take care of your skin and your body through a healthy diet and exercise plan and you can have a much smoother-looking backside.
