How To Lose Ten Pounds Fast

lose 10 pounds fast Many of us are looking to lose ten pounds fast, and many diet gurus claim to have the answer. The question is, how much do you want those ten pounds to stay gone? Wouldn't the ideal scenario be to be beach-ready at all times without feeling the need to follow starvation diets that are draining to mind and body both?
There is an answer, and it will seem like such a no-brainer, but so many of us out there have still not applied it in our own lives, that it deserves a mention...
The most important rule in successful weight loss definitely is no starvation! As logical and beneficial as crash-dieting may seem for that 'quick fix,' there are a myriad of reasons why this temporal and exhausting form of weight control is a bad idea.
Say you set a goal: You are looking to lose ten pounds in two weeks time, an absurd goal, but not entirely impossible. Those 14 days you spend taunting yourself by following a hunger diet will make you edgy and low energy. You're also likely to dream and obsess about the foods you are not allowed to eat. Those two weeks will feel like two months and not very fun ones either. It is almost guaranteed that once you wrap up those two weeks of self-torment (pleased with the notable weight loss), you will celebrate this by giving in to the foods you have been denying yourself. After your body has been functioning on a starvation diet for a while, your metabolism will slow down, which means your metabolic rate is lower now, and therefore burns less energy than it did before. Thus, once you start going back to your old diet, this will result in weight gain. The second setback is that during the crash diet you have lost both fat and muscle, but the weight you gain back is all fat.
Haven't we all been there? This is what causes yo-yo dieting. Starve yourself for two weeks and then end the program by 'celebrating' the finish, and finally being able to eat those foods you missed so much. This results in weight gain, leaving you displeased and ready for another dieting spell. The cycle can become endless, and is very unhealthy for both your body and mental health.
But you're dissatisfied with the conventional 1-2 pounds per week in many weight loss programs, right? Aren't we all? Nutritionist Mike Roussell and gym owner Alwyn Cosgrove have put together a powerful, fast and safe fat-burning program to help you lose weight much faster. It’s called Warp Speed Fat Loss. Check it out!
Here are some tips to help you get rid of those ten pounds and keep them off:
  1. Water, water, water. Drink water throughout the day, every day. A good indication of how much water your body needs is the following simple sum: Divide your weight in pounds by two. The outcome is the amount in ounces of water that your body requires each day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, aim for 75 ounces of water a day.
    Why water? Your body is made up out of 60-65 percent water. Water is responsible for transporting important nutrients to the body's cells and transporting the waste out. When you are not drinking enough water, your body tends to save it. This is where water weight comes from, along with high-sodium diets and water retention caused by a woman's menstrual cycle. Basically, to rid yourself of water weight, you will have to drink water! It sounds almost contradictory, but it makes sense when you realize your body is holding onto it because there is a lack of it. You will be surprised how much difference just drinking enough water can make on your weight.
    If you do not like the taste (or the lack thereof) of water, you can add slices of lemon or make your own iced tea with nice fruity herbal teas. Celestial Seasonings has all-herbal variations that are great for making iced teas. It is important to have herbal tea, and not regular tea, because regular tea contains ingredients like caffeine (which depletes the body of water).
  2. Eat, eat, eat...that is right, to lose weight successfully and lastingly, you must eat. This comes down to your metabolism. If your body senses you have not eaten anything for eight hours, it will shut down, to protect you from famine, it is your body looking after you. To keep your metabolism up, you must eat regularly, be it three main meals and two small snacks, or six small meals throughout the day. Just let your eating be regular and never go hungry. It will keep your body happy, your metabolism alive, which in its turn, provides the calorie burning. That's why we must be kind to our metabolism and not shut it down.
    If you have yo-yo dieted in the past, do not worry. Your metabolism is not a function that will become incapable of revival once it has been shot. You can actually revive it! Here are a couple of important tips on how to wake up that calorie-burning machine:
    • Eat breakfast. While it may seem that skipping breakfast is a smart way of eliminating some excess calories from your day, it actually is a true metabolism killer! Eating first thing in the morning will shake your body awake, and out of overnight fasting (hence the word break-fast). Now that your metabolism is awake, it is ready to burn those calories. A good breakfast also keeps you satisfied and going until lunchtime, without feeling those 10 a.m. cravings, at which time many people make bad sugarloaded snack decisions. Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast actually tend to consume more, not fewer, calories throughout the day.