How To Become Pregnant

The ability to get pregnant is supposed to be a normal part of the human female’s biology but there are some women who have more trouble than others. If you are one of these women, or just thinking about having children but unsure if you can, follow these steps to determine how to get pregnant.

  1. Talk to your partner. Getting pregnant isn’t something you should do alone. With today’s modern technology it is possible to be inseminated artificially but many women still prefer to try for a two parent family. If you are partnered with someone then pregnancy will impact both of your lives so make the decision together.
  2. Stop using birth control. If you’ve been habitually using birth control that includes any kind of hormones you should discontinue use. These forms of birth control include the pill, shot, implants, patches and some spermicidal gels. For some women it can take six months to a year for your body to reset and be ready for pregnancy. For others the adjustment seems almost instant. If you are trying to get pregnant after prolonged use of birth control be patient.
  3. Know your cycle. Most women ovulate halfway through their cycle or about fourteen days after their period. When trying to get pregnant, pay attention to your body and your cycle. If you aren’t having any luck after a few months, you may have a slightly different cycle. There are devices that will test to see if you are ovulating or you can use a thermometer to take your basal temperature every day for a month until you see a spike in temperature--this is most likely the time when you are ovulating.
  4. Make sure you are healthy. The regular damage we do to our bodies with the chemicals in our food, water and air can make it harder for some women to get pregnant. Increase your chances by getting as healthy as possible. Eat from nature concentrating on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. If you eat meat then stick to lean and organic options wherever possible. Take a multivitamin and get regular exercise so that your body can prepare for nurturing a child.
  5. Have regular intercourse during fertile period. Starting two or three days before the fertile part of your cycle, have regular intercourse with your partner. Take advantage of the opportunities in each cycle but don’t make your sexual activity all about procreation. The frustration of not getting pregnant and a singular focus can hinder the closeness in your relationship if you aren’t careful to keep the romance in your bedroom.
  6. Talk to your doctor. If after six months you are still not pregnant it is time to talk to your doctor. There may not be any problems but you should get a full exam and then sit down and talk about your health.
  7. Keep trying. Don’t get discouraged if it takes a little time. If your doctor recommends alternative options and infertility treatments, discuss each step of the way with your partner so that you stay on the same page about your priorities and protect your health.
For some women, it is possible to get pregnant the first time they have unprotected sex. For others, it is not so simple. If you are one who takes a little more time or if you are unsure of your fertility, consider these steps when you want to get pregnant.